Read: Matthew 26:1-5, 14-19; Mark 14:1-2, 10-16; Luke 22:1-13.
Events Wednesday: are unknown, but Elder McConkie (Book 4, 6-11) suggests this is the last time Jesus can prepare for Friday’s ordinances, lessons, sufferings, or even sleep.
Thursday events involve: Jesus’ prophecy of the Crucifixion; Conspiracy at Caiaphas’s palace; Judas’s conspiracy to betray Jesus; Preparations for Paschal dinner.
In describing ways that we can keep ourselves unspotted from the world, President Nelson refers to a mother who wrote: “These are troubled and perilous times. How blessed we are to have the increased knowledge of the plan of salvation and inspired guidance from loving prophets, apostles, and leaders to help us sail these stormy seas safely. We stopped our habit of turning on the radio in the morning. Instead, we now listen to a general conference talk on our mobile phones every morning as we prepare ourselves for another day.”
Activity: We should foster habits that help us resist the troubles, perils, and evil of each day. (Matthew 6:34)